
A fun and light care package to get through the feelings of despair during quarantine.



OBJECTIVE The Quarantine of 2020 leaves many people in isolation, and with that, stress, fear, and anxiety can settle in. With all that is going on, the ongoing changes and mystery of the future, it is difficult to remember to take care of ourselves. Just Quarantings looks to the humorous side of things, to bring in some light where there might not be.

Quarantings Sketches.png

SOLUTION Just Quarantings is a play with words that can be said as “Just Quarantine Things.” The care package itself resembles a house where most of us are isolated, and when opened you can see a blueprint of what’s within. The accompanying illustrations and odd mix of colors make for a fun and lighthearted experience where the user gets the chance to relieve their stress and anxiety and ground themselves in the moment. The user is presented with several activities they are able to do on their own including journaling, sending letters, drinking tea, cutting their hair, and growing a plant.